Park trees
Trees are a very significant feature in the boroughs parks and open spaces. They provide a variety of benefits not only to visitors but to the overall environment of an area.
To ensure that trees continue to contribute to the landscape it is essential that we think about their health and safety.
Lampton Services Greenspace maintain and inspect the trees in parks, open spaces, cemeteries and allotments on behalf of the council.
The council will ensure that the management of the trees is undertaken in accordance with Arboricultural best practices and legislation.
For further information please contact them in the first instance through our online form.
Alternatively, you can contact them using one of the following methods:
Email: parks@hounslow.gov.uk
Telephone: 0208 583 2000
Out of Hours emergencies only : 0208 583 2222
Can I help look after new trees?
Yes please! When we have long hot spells of warm weather in the Spring and Summer please use the left-over water in your water bottle to pour directly around the base of any new trees on your way out of the park.
Although we do encourage residents to pick fully ripe fruits from our Orchards which are in some of our parks, please do not break branches as this can stun new growth.
Report any vandalism to new trees
Removing trees
Our policy is not to remove healthy trees,our trees are only removed when absolutely necessary i.e. when they are dead, dying or dangerous.
We aim to replace trees that are removed during our winter tree planting programme, although not always possible to be planted in the exact location.